Bobee Diaper and Wipe Dispenser, a Nursery Essential

It's no surprise to our followers that I personally LOVE the new Diaper Dispenser and Wipe Holder from Bobee, Inc.  It is actually on my husband's list of top baby gear products since it miraculously keeps the baby's room so much more organized and gives us a whole drawer back on her changing table for storage!

My oldest and I had tons of fun decorating the Bobee as soon as we took it out of the box.  It comes with 2 decal sheets (your choice of color) that are similar to the wall decals you can buy at Target, etc.  You can also paint the Bobee to match the walls!

It took about 8 minutes to install and look how super cute it looks on her wall!  It's so practical and convenient...I wish we had this for our first daughter as well.  Everyone who comes over asks about it and I'm sure it will definitely make it on the top baby shower gifts list on the web for 2012.

Parents change over 2,000 diapers in the first year alone (umm...and if you have twins, just double that) so having your diapers and wipes stored in a quick and convenient place when you're changing baby's diaper is really helpful.  Not only that, it gives you more space in their rooms for other much needed baby gear and supplies.

We made a great demo video which is featured on the Bobee product page at the boutique if you want to learn more.

PROMO:  You can buy the Bobee at the boutique until the end of August and get FREE SHIPPING which saves you $8!  We'll announce these promotions regularly on our Facebook page as well.


Well, that came out pretty good! Love the pastels! I am a new follower thru GFC and RSS Feed & would have followed on FB but FB suspended me last week for 15 days because I was FB blog hopping and "liking" everyone and asking them to "like" me back. How that is spam I don't know. I tried to appeal but they won't answer my emails. Thing is, we sign up for those hops, so you are giving each other the permission to come over. Why pick on an honest blogger instead of some pervert looking at naked children? You would have thought I killed someone the way they acted! So, here's the deal, either you can go ahead and follow me on FB also today and leave me a comment on my blog and I will catch up with you after the ban (5 more to go) or you can wait until I follow you first. It does not really matter which way. I will say that I will only leave comments on blogs from now on. This has seriously hurt me during contests and accepting reviews because I can't promote on FB. So, no more FB comments from me. Just pop over when you can and follow. Thanks so much and have a great week!


Love the ladybug, is that a Pillow Pet? New follower from the Moody hop, and I liked you on Facebook too. Come by and say hi!

I found the mom article interesting, too. presentation of the blog is nice I found here lot of useful stuff.

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